Legitimate Work From Home Opportunities - 4 Companies That Offer Work From Home Call Center Jobs

If you don't mind dealing with frustrated and angry customers or clients, then having to work from home for call center jobs might just be the right opportunity for you. Although the pay may not be great, but it is one of the legitimate work from home opportunities and the prospect of earning extra cash while taking care of the family and loved ones is just too good of an opportunity to pass up.

But before proceeding, you have to make sure that the following requirements are met in order to be qualified for the job.


Legitimate Work From Home Opportunities - 4 Companies That Offer Work From Home Call Center Jobs

  1. A home computer that meets the company's expectations.
  2. A USB headset with a built-in digital signal processor.
  3. A high speed internet access.
  4. A telephone with a mute button.
  5. A power surge protector.

After you have met all of the requirements, it is now time to apply on either of the following companies:

Alpine Access

There is a flat rate of fee, which is intended for credit and background check, the moment you receive an employment offer. That is the only investment you will be making since the training is free and there will be no more dues to be collected every month.

The starting salary is from up to an hour. Benefits like 401(k) and health insurance are included. There is no health care cost but the company offer a corporate match to the retirement fund. Shifts vary because there is no fixed working schedule. You could be working two hours in the morning and three hours in the afternoon or evening. For five days a week, you have to work at least four hours a day or 20 to 30 hours per week.


There will be no fees to be collected when an employment offer is extended, except perhaps providing the necessary equipments as previously describe. The salary scale ranges from to an hour which is accompanied with a host of benefits like health care, life insurance, tuition reimbursement plans, paid vacation, employee assistance program, employee discount program, among others.

Tele Tech

The pay rate is from to per hour with basic benefits such as health care, 401k, perks and commissions. If you are diligent in your job, you will be getting a 75% raise every few months. The interview is easy and all you'll be asked about is your job experience and how confident you are to handle the job. Since the interview is online, you do not have to wear something formal.


The rate is about to per hour and you have to time your shifts in 30 minute blocks. You can choose to work on inbound or outbound calls - there are many options to choose from. A fee will be collected for a background check, and a second phone line is required at your expense.

The above are just few of the legitimate work from home opportunities that you can come across, and if you're interested on being able to work from home for call center jobs, then the above companies might be worth your while.

Legitimate Work From Home Opportunities - 4 Companies That Offer Work From Home Call Center Jobs

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QuickBooks - How to Record Reimbursable Expenses

There are three ways people try to record reimbursable expenses in QuickBooks, but only two of them should be used. Here are specific details about each, with ideas about which you should use.

Method 1 - The Expense Tab/Expense Account Method: When recording an expense incurred for the customer, click the Expenses tab from the Write Checks or Enter Bills screen. Select the appropriate expense account, select the appropriate customer, and do not check the column with the invoice icon above it (also labeled "Billable" in later versions of QuickBooks). Save the transaction. You can now generate an invoice for the customer, and drop the transaction into the invoice after clicking the Time/Costs button.

Behind-the-Scenes Details of this Method: Using this method causes the expense account to be credited when the invoice is generated for the customer. This lowers the expense account rather than increasing a sales/revenue account. If users want this - if users do not want the reimbursed expense to be recorded as income, then this method should be used.

QuickBooks - How to Record Reimbursable Expenses

Method 2 - The Expense Tab/Cost Account Method: Similar to Method 1, click the Expenses tab from the Write Checks or Enter Bills screen when entering an expense for a customer. Instead of selecting an expense account, select a COGS account. Then select the appropriate customer. Unlike with Method 1, notice that the column along the far right side cannot be checked.

Behind-the-Scenes Details of this Method: It creates unbillable "Unbilled Costs." These will show on the Unbilled Costs report, but when the Time/Costs button is clicked on the Invoice screen, they do not appear in that window. In other words, these will remain, forever, on the Unbilled Costs report ,and can never be dropped into a customer's invoice. Because of this, this method should never be used under any circumstances. If it is necessary to post to a COGS account, follow Method 3.

Method 3 - The Items Tab Method: Go to the Items list, and create a new Other Charge item. Click the box that says, "This item is used in assemblies or is a reimbursable charge." This sets up the item so it can be used effectively on the Write Checks/Enter Bills screen, and the Invoice screen. Fill in the item with the desired COGS account in the left hand box, and desired revenue account in the right hand box. Fill in other information as needed.

Then, when writing checks or entering bills for reimbursable expenses, instead of using the Expenses tab, click the Items tab and select the item just created. Fill in the correct amount, and do not place a checkmark the column on the far right side. Save the transaction.

When invoicing the customer, click the Time/Costs button, and the item used above will appear. Select it, and QB places it onto the customer's invoice. Save the transaction.

Behind-the-Scenes Details of this Method: When using the item in the Write Checks, Enter Bills, or Enter Credit Card Charges screens, the amount will post to whichever COGS account was chosen when setting up the item. When using the item in the Invoice or Sales Receipts screen, the amount will post to whichever revenue account was chosen when setting up the item.

This is the method to use if you take a markup on the reimbursement. It adds the customer's reimbursement to the revenue, and is the only method that allows for a gross margin to be determined without creating unbillable "Unbilled Costs."

This method can be difficult because it takes some thought to get the Item set up correctly. In the Edit Item screen, careful attention must be given to assigning the correct COGS account on the "Purchase Information" side, and also to the correct sales/revenue account on the "Sales Information" side.

Another reason this method can be difficult is that your company may want to post to various revenue and COGS accounts for various reimbursable transactions. If this is the case, then individual Items will need to be established, each customized according to the accounts they need to post to.

Final Thoughts

Most people will probably follow Method 1, but a few will want to follow Method 3. If you need more help to decide, seek professional advice from a local accounting expert.

QuickBooks - How to Record Reimbursable Expenses

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Comparing the Pros and Cons of Outsourced Healthcare Coding

Deciding on whether to outsource any portion of your healthcare facility's revenue cycle department is something that cannot be taken lightly. And facilities have different options when outsourcing the coding function. Some facilities have chosen to keep the coding in-house and only outsource the processes involved with electronic claims submissions, collections and financial reporting. However, with the increased number of audits, health care facilities are deciding to outsource all revenue cycle functions including the coding of claims.

The implication of inaccurate coding is significant. A healthcare facility should look at their available resources when determining if the coding should be outsourced. One only has to look at the two types of coding errors: "overcoding" and "undercoding." The obvious ramification of overcoding is potential for an extended audit; repayment and possible penalties and fines. Undercoding or what providers call "defensive coding" results in millions of dollars of lost revenue.

Pros of Outsourced Coding

Comparing the Pros and Cons of Outsourced Healthcare Coding

As mentioned, healthcare providers are seeing audits from all areas. These claims audits include RAC, MIC, MAC, CERT, PERM, MFCU, ZPIC and others. With more claims audits, the healthcare industry is seeing a higher demand for qualified coders. One benefit of outsourcing the coding tasks is that the headache of hiring an individual with coding experience is no longer an issue.

Medical coding rules can be arduous. A coder must be privy to CPT rules, Correct Coding Initiative Edits (CCI), ICD-9-CM (and soon ICD-10-CM), Local Carrier Determination (LCDs) and National Carrier Determinations (NCDs). With small practices, those individuals who are granted the task of "coding" are also given other responsibilities which affect the amount of time they have on applying, learning and keeping abreast of all of the rules. Utilizing a company who only hires qualified individuals to conduct the coding tasks, provides confidence that the claims are being submitted based on the appropriate rules and policies.

The American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC) and the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) provide various ways of obtaining the required continuing education credits. Many ways are affordable and do not require leaving your desk. However, many of these ways are not as specialty specific as you would find at regional and national conferences. With attending offsite conferences, the expenses are increased. The budgets in many health care facilities cannot accommodate the expenses associated with continuing education classes. Outsourcing the coding to a company eliminates this extra expense.

With the above benefits of outsourcing the coding, comes due diligence on the health care facility's end. It is imperative that it is understood that these companies do provide specialty specific continuing education and that they provide their staff with the appropriate resources that spell out all of the coding rules and policies.

Cons of Outsourced Coding

So what are the cons involved in the outsourcing of the coding? For one, when mentioning the benefits of using a coding company, we are making the assumption that their employees are qualified and educated on the coding rules. Negative outcomes have been shown with physicians of certain specialties that have more difficult coding scenarios. This is often seen with Interventional Radiology and Neuro Surgery. Although the coding company may have qualified individuals, they may not be experts on these more difficult specialties. It is imperative that you find out if your designated coder is educated on your specialty. Ask for the bios and CVs of the coders who will be working on your claims. In addition, coders lose their credentials. It is easy to contact the AAPC and AHIMA to determine if the coder who is submitting your claims has allowed her credentials to lapse. Find out what type of continuing education they have received in the past; get specifics.

Unless you contract with a coding company that only deals with claims in one particular part of the country, you are taking the gamble that they are truly applying LCDs and other regional coding policies to your claims. If you are a provider in Louisiana and you are utilizing the services of a company out of Minnesota, you must get confirmation that the coding company is experienced with Medicare, Medicaid and other third-party payers in your state.

Beyond the coding tasks, there is the remainder of the revenue cycle process that can be outsourced. The process for outsourcing billing can be pretty straightforward. Typically superbills and other documents are scanned and electronically sent or mailed to the medical billing service. If the practice is using EHR software, the patient's superbill is stored and electronically transmitted to the billing service. The medical billing service takes care of the data entry and claim submission on behalf of the provider. The company will also follow up on denied claims, work unpaid accounts (A/R management) and send out-patient statements. The mere fact that they do not have to deal with any of this is the major reason that providers choose to outsource. In this outsourcing scenario, the fee for outsourcing these revenue cycle tasks is based on a percentage of gross collections. The industry average for these fees is approximately 7 percent of gross collections.

Compare hard costs: Calculate the expense of doing it in-house (salary and overhead of your billing staff, amount of time you are spending on billing, third-party fees for claims clearinghouses, billing related supplies such as claim forms) versus the billing company fees (which are typically a percentage of collections). Many organizations provide salary surveys that can assist you with average cost of billing staff.

Compare soft costs and intangibles: This comes down to the basic hassle of dealing with daily billing issues and all issues related to human resources. Is dealing with these issues worth it?

Compare effectiveness: You must take into account the quality of the resources that you would have in-house versus assessing the potential effectiveness of a third-party. If you have done billing in-house, you can measure your collection rates; turnaround times and other points of billing to practices of the same specialty and size. This could assist you in determining how well your billing staff is doing. Another question that you could ask yourself is how often do you get reports regarding A/R, charges, and collections?

Any business decision requires acknowledgment of cost benefit, good business practice and common sense for the company. When determining whether to outsource the billing, consider these facts and apply them to your daily practices. The ultimate decision comes down to one thing and that is how can we practice medicine and maintain a business in the most efficient way.

Comparing the Pros and Cons of Outsourced Healthcare Coding

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